Dec 3, 2019
One sinful night
Welcome back to #kingsbrier. Gray Sin Releases January 9, 2020... —JOE— I was doing my job when I rescued Gracyn. But I should have...

Jul 11, 2019
Book Review Cheat Sheet
Over at Quintessential we've been talking a lot about reviews. So what's a writer to do? Uh... Make their own list of ideas to help

Feb 15, 2019
Who’s Who—Colette (book #5)
The following is a list of Kingsbrier characters mentioned in Colette.

Nov 27, 2018
Can't You Write Any Faster?
I put aside Adam and between 11/4 and 11/24 wrote a NEW KINGSBRIER short story. Now, I say “short” but in draft form it’s almost as long as